Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm training for a 5K!!!

I have never been a runner! But I thought it would be a great Young Women's project to get in shape enough to run a the end of the summer.

So I started this week. I found online the Couch-to-5K program, being the major couch potato I am. The first day I was dying after the first minute. But I made it my goal and I am going to stick to it! So this Monday I set out again to go running. Those in Champaign may remember that Monday was a little cold, but I was determined to go. So I bundled up in Tom's big old fatty sweatshirt, tied up the hood, and set off. Immediately it started to rain, but I was not going to let that stop me. Then it started to rain harder. The wind was blowing at my face so strong but I told myself I was going to keep going! I was cold and wet but I was going to make my goal! And then it started to hail! I really wanted to give up then but I couldn't, I was actually prideful now. I was going to be the dumb girl running in the hail, and proud of it! So I kept running. I was going to be tough. Nothing was going to stop me. I was not going to die no matter how much I felt my heart was going to explode. But then a bird pooped on me! I want everyone out there to know that I finished my run that day, with bird doodoo on my shoulder! I am so proud!


  1. I hate running too, I probably would have given up after the first minute, if not then, then for sure when it started to rain. I'm glad you stuck it out.

  2. Good luck Becca. I want to hear about the 5K. I can't beleive you stuck with it. I love to run and I would not have kept running. You go girl!

  3. Awesome! You always make me smile! :-)

  4. Becca,
    Let me introduce myself, I am Tom's charming cousin Meisha. I am very disappointed in Tom for not telling me that you two have a blog, full well that we have a blog. So I am excited to get to know you through your blog and I hope that you and tom will have to opportunity to get to know mike and me.

  5. Hi, Tom! This is your cousin Tiffany (Nichols) Copple. Found your blog from Brit's. Just wanted to say hi!

  6. That is so freaking hilarious! Bird poop? I have never even heard of that happening to anyone before. But bird poop in a hailstorm?! That's funny.
