Friday, September 24, 2010

Why do these silly mnemonics work?

One month into my first official year of medical school, I find myself wondering: Why do all these silly medical mnemonics work? I suppose some relate to the subject at hand:

"So long to pinky, here comes the thumb."

But others have nothing to do with the subject, and you'd think it would take just as much effort to remember what it's supposed to be helping you remember:

"Never let my empire burn"
"Suzy Taylor loves sex and pot"
"Cadavers are dead people"
"Randy Travis drinks cold beer"

And yet, I doubt I'll ever forget what these stupid little phrases helped me remember.

If you can think of any more to add, post them in a comment - I am on the lookout for the most ridiculous mnemonic ever (bonus points if you know what any of mine mean without using Google, and double bonus points if you caught and laughed at my stupid pun. I'm not sure what bonus points from me are worth - probably less than a Schrute buck).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Overheard in the Ward

You may be familiar with the blog "Overheard in the Ward." Here's the Anderson version. The following conversation occurred during our service today:

Becca: I'm cold.
Tom (putting his arm around Becca): Wow, you are cold. You're stealing all my heat! You're a joule thief!!
[uncontrollable laughter]

We really should set a better example for the kids...