Saturday, July 18, 2009

Does Tom like my singing?

A lot of you are wondering whatever happened with my audition. Well, he called one night and said that he would allow me to sing even though he hadn't heard me still and he scheduled me for July 12. Last Sunday I sang "Guide Me to Thee" from the Sabbath Song II book. I was so nervous. I don't have a natural vibrato, but I'm sure some people thought I might because I was shaking so much. I definitely thought I could do better, but it was a lot better than it would have been if I hadn't had voice lessons this last year. Anyway, people said I did well, so I guess I did ok. I always wonder though if they are just being nice. I mean, I didn't hear anything from the ward music chairman!

Bryson (my voice teacher) left this last week to move to Provo and get married. I am really sad. I was really liking taking voice lessons. At our last lesson we sang through a lot of the songs that I have sung this last year. It was awesome to end the lesson on the song I first learned and realize just how much I have improved. I really didn't notice how much my singing has improved, I mean, I definitely feel more confident in singing, especially some of the higher notes, but when I sang that song, it was so easy! I remember how much I struggled with getting all the notes and now I just belted them all out. Of course there was still room for improvement, oh but it was so fun to feel so confident in it! I will definitely miss my lessons. I am really glad I did this for me and I hope I am at least a little closer to Tom liking my singing!

Update: The music chairman came up to me this Sunday and thanked me for my musical number.


  1. Hi Becca- It's April Thorpe. Sorry that I missed your musical number on Sunday, but as a professional singer I can say that I really enjoyed sitting next to you in RS a few weeks ago and singing harmony... I thought you sounded fabulous. So there! :-)

  2. Well thank you, thank you! Now I feel sheepish!

  3. I found your blog! Too bad I wasn't in your ward yet for this!
